Home Loan Assistance Document Checklist

Understand which documents may be required throughout the process.

Is the loan owned or insured by:

Use the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac lookup tools, or call them:

If you can't find this information, contact your Customer Relationship Manager to verify the loan type.

Is there a member of the household (such as a partner, fiancé, spouse or other relative) who isn’t listed on the loan but is contributing to the household expenses?

Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Mortgage Assistance Application
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • All necessary hardship and income documentation noted in the Mortgage Assistance Application

If a member of the household not listed on the loan lives in the property as a primary residence and is contributing to the household expenses, the non-borrower must also provide

  • Non-Borrower Credit Authorization Form
  • The same income documentation (Income Section of the Mortgage Assistance Application) that is required for a borrower
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Mortgage Assistance Application
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • All necessary hardship and income documentation noted in the Mortgage Assistance Application
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The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) does not require financial documents in support of loan modification requests. The following documents are required for short sale and deed in lieu requests. If you have any questions about required documents, please call us at 800.669.6650 to learn more.

Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Mortgage Assistance Application (FHA)
  • All necessary hardship and income documentation noted in the Mortgage Assistance Application
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable

If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency

  • Two most recent years' filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments
  • If wage or salary is received, most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don’t know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

If a member of the household not listed on the loan lives in the property as a primary residence and is contributing to the household expenses, the non-borrower must also provide

  • Non-Borrower Credit Authorization Form
  • Only income that is contributed to the monthly payment, which should be noted in the Income section of the Mortgage Assistance Application
  • The same income documentation that is required for a borrower

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The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) does not require financial documents in support of loan modification requests. The following documents are required for short sale and deed in lieu requests. If you have any questions about required documents, please call us at 800.669.6650 to learn more.

Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Mortgage Assistance Application (FHA)
  • All necessary hardship and income documentation noted in the Mortgage Assistance Application
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable

If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency

  • Two most recent years' filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments
  • If wage or salary is received, most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don’t know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of your most recent federal tax return (all pages) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
    • If the loan is from your state’s Housing Finance Agency, then please provide two most recent years’ filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments

      If you don’t know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages)
  • Two most recent months of brokerage statements (all pages), if applicable

If a member of the household who is not listed on the loan lives in the property as a primary residence and is contributing to the household expenses, the non-borrower must also provide

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing at least 30 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide four pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide two pay stubs

However, if the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency and you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

If you are self-employed:

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the three following documents:
    • Most recent signed and dated quarterly Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Most recent signed and dated year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Bank statements for the two most recent months of business showing that business activity is continuing (all pages)

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips or investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Two most recent months of bank statements showing that you received such income (all pages)

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start and end date

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or equivalent document that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received
  • Two most recent bank statements (all pages) or other third-party documents showing that you received these payments, such as deposit slips that have been validated by the financial institution where you deposited the payments, court verification or filed federal tax return with all schedules

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Previous year's federal tax return – with all required schedules, including Schedule E – that was filed with the IRS
    • If Schedule E is not available because the property was not previously rented, provide a written explanation and the valid lease agreement
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) or cancelled checks showing that you received these rental income payments
  • If more than one property is owned, a letter stating:
    • All properties that are owned
    • Monthly payments and name of the lender for any mortgages
    • Monthly tax and insurance for each property (if not paid with the mortgage payment every month)
    • Any homeowners association dues (if applicable)

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption, and/or public assistance:

  • Benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency, and duration of the benefit
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received this payment
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of your most recent federal tax return (all pages) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
    • If the loan is from your state’s Housing Finance Agency, then please provide two most recent years’ filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments

      If you don’t know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages)
  • Two most recent months of brokerage statements (all pages), if applicable

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing at least 30 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide four pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide two pay stubs

However, if the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency and you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state’s Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

If you are self-employed:

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the three following documents:
    • Most recent signed and dated quarterly Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Most recent signed and dated year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Bank statements for the two most recent months of business showing that business activity is continuing (all pages)

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips or investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Two most recent months of bank statements showing that you received such income (all pages)

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start and end date

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or equivalent document that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received
  • Two most recent bank statements (all pages) or other third-party documents showing that you received these payments, such as deposit slips that have been validated by the financial institution where you deposited the payments, court verification or filed federal tax return with all schedules

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Previous year's federal tax return – with all required schedules, including Schedule E – that was filed with the IRS
    • If Schedule E is not available because the property was not previously rented, provide a written explanation and the valid lease agreement
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) or cancelled checks showing that you received these rental income payments
  • If more than one property is owned, a letter stating:
    • All properties that are owned
    • Monthly payments and name of the lender for any mortgages
    • Monthly tax and insurance for each property (if not paid with the mortgage payment every month)
    • Any homeowners association dues (if applicable)

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption, and/or public assistance:

  • Benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency, and duration of the benefit
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received this payment
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of your most recent federal tax return (all pages) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
    • If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency, then please provide two most recent years' filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments

      If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state's Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages)
  • Two most recent months of brokerage statements (all pages)

If a member of the household who is not listed on the loan lives in the property as a primary residence and is contributing to the household expenses, the non-borrower must also provide

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing 30 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide four pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide two pay stubs

However, if the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency and you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state's Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

If you are self-employed:

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the two following documents:
    • Signed and dated copy of the most recent quarterly Profit and Loss Statement
    • Signed and dated copy of the most recent year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement.

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips and investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Two most recent months of bank statements showing that you received such income (all pages)

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start and end date

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or equivalent document that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received
  • Two most recent bank statements (all pages) or other third-party documents showing that you received these payments, such as deposit slips that have been validated by the financial institution where you deposited the payments, court verification or filed federal tax return with all schedules

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Previous year's federal tax return – with all required schedules, including Schedule E – that was filed with the IRS
    • If Schedule E is not available because the property was not previously rented, provide a written explanation and the valid lease agreement
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) or cancelled checks showing that you received these rental income payments
  • If more than one property is owned, a letter stating:
    • All properties that are owned
    • Monthly payments and name of the lender for any mortgages
    • Monthly tax and insurance for each property (if not paid with the mortgage payment every month)
    • Any homeowners association dues (if applicable)

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption, and/or public assistance:

  • Benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency and duration of the benefit
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received these payments
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of your most recent federal tax return (all pages) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
    • If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency, then please provide two most recent years' filed tax returns, including all schedules and attachments

      If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state's Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages)
  • Two most recent months of brokerage statements (all pages)

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing 30 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide four pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide two pay stubs

However, if the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency and you receive a salary or hourly wages:

  • Most recent and consecutive pay stubs (or Leave and Earnings Statements for military borrowers) showing approximately 60 days of income and year-to-date earnings:
    • If you're paid weekly, provide eight pay stubs
    • If you're paid twice a month, provide four pay stubs

If you don't know whether or not the loan is with your state's Housing Finance Agency, please ask your Customer Relationship Manager.

If you are self-employed:

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the two following documents:
    • Signed and dated copy of the most recent quarterly Profit and Loss Statement
    • Signed and dated copy of the most recent year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement.

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips and investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Two most recent months of bank statements showing that you received such income (all pages)

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start and end date

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or equivalent document that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received
  • Two most recent bank statements (all pages) or other third-party documents showing that you received these payments, such as deposit slips that have been validated by the financial institution where you deposited the payments, court verification or filed federal tax return with all schedules

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Previous year's federal tax return – with all required schedules, including Schedule E – that was filed with the IRS
    • If Schedule E is not available because the property was not previously rented, provide a written explanation and the valid lease agreement
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) or cancelled checks showing that you received these rental income payments
  • If more than one property is owned, a letter stating:
    • All properties that are owned
    • Monthly payments and name of the lender for any mortgages
    • Monthly tax and insurance for each property (if not paid with the mortgage payment every month)
    • Any homeowners association dues (if applicable)

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption, and/or public assistance:

  • Benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency and duration of the benefit
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received these payments
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of last year's personal federal tax return (all page) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent, consecutive bank and brokerage statements (all accounts and all pages)

If a member of the household who is not listed on the loan lives in the property as a primary residence and is contributing to the household expenses, the non-borrower must also provide

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency, please call your Customer Relationship Manager to understand which documents you need to submit.

If you receive a salary or hourly wage:

  • Two most recent paystubs displaying year-to-date (YTD) earnings

If self-employed (single or multiple businesses):

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the three following documents:
    • Most recent signed and dated quarterly Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Most recent signed and dated year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Bank statements for the two most recent months of business showing that business activity is continuing (all pages)

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips or investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received this income for at least one month

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start date
  • Most recent Leave and Earnings statement that may include flight or hazard pay, rations, clothing allowance, quarters/housing allowance and proficiency pay

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or decree that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received. Your documentation must show that the payments will continue for at least 12 months
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received these payments

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Complete Section 5 of the Request for Mortgage Assistance and provide:
    • All current rental agreements
    • Documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received these rental income payments for at least one month

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption assistance, and/or public assistance:

  • Either a copy of the benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency and duration of the benefit
  • Or documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received this income from this source for at least one month
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Your personalized document list

These are the forms that must be completed and signed by everyone listed on the loan. Additional documentation may also be required. Please provide copies and keep all originals for your records. Be sure to write the loan number on each document.

Please provide all of the following:

Required from each borrower:

  • Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)
  • Signed copy of last year's personal federal tax return (all page) or IRS Form 4506-C: Request for Transcript of Tax Return (only one form required if you and your co-borrower file jointly)
  • Current utility bill (such as gas, electric or water) that shows name and property address
  • Current bill or letter from homeowners/condominium association reflecting dues, if applicable
  • Two most recent, consecutive bank and brokerage statements (all accounts and all pages)

Please also provide the necessary documentation for the type of income you receive:

If the loan is from your state's Housing Finance Agency, please call your Customer Relationship Manager to understand which documents you need to submit.

If you receive a salary or hourly wage:

  • Two most recent paystubs displaying year-to-date (YTD) earnings

If self-employed (single or multiple businesses):

  • Previous year’s business tax returns that were filed with the IRS (including all required schedules and attachments)
  • And one of the three following documents:
    • Most recent signed and dated quarterly Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Most recent signed and dated year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement showing activity for the three most recent months
    • Bank statements for the two most recent months of business showing that business activity is continuing (all pages)

If you receive non-wage income such as part-time employment, bonuses, tips or investment income:

  • Documentation describing the specific source and amount of income, such as an employment contract or printouts documenting tip income
  • Documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received this income for at least one month

If you are on active military duty or within 12 months after release:

  • Copy of active duty, military orders or other proof of active duty status that shows the start date
  • Most recent Leave and Earnings statement that may include flight or hazard pay, rations, clothing allowance, quarters/housing allowance and proficiency pay

If you receive alimony, child support, or separation maintenance:*

  • Divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written agreement filed with the court, or decree that states the amount and period of time over which the payment will be received. Your documentation must show that the payments will continue for at least 12 months
  • Two most recent months of bank statements (all pages) showing that you received these payments

*You are not required to disclose alimony, child support, or separation maintenance unless you wish to use those funds to help you qualify for assistance.

If you receive rental income:

  • Complete Section 5 of the Request for Mortgage Assistance and provide:
    • All current rental agreements
    • Documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received these rental income payments for at least one month

If you receive Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, adoption assistance, and/or public assistance:

  • Either a copy of the benefits statement or letter from the provider that states the amount, frequency and duration of the benefit
  • Or documentation, such as bank statements (all pages), showing that you received this income from this source for at least one month
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Call us


800.669.6650 Monday through Friday
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Eastern

Help is available in English, Spanish and many other languages.