Home Loan Payment Forbearance

Call us


800.669.6650 Monday through Friday
8 a.m.-8 p.m. Eastern

Help is available in English,
Spanish, and many other languages.

Understanding mortgage forbearance

To help with a temporary financial hardship, forbearance may help lower or suspend home loan payments for no more than 90 days.


A temporary financial hardship may include a loss of income due to:

  • medical illness
  • death of a co-borrower
  • natural disaster
  • unemployment

There must also be a clear end in sight. For example, a temporary hardship may be if the home can’t be lived in because of a flood and the insurance payment to cover additional living expenses, like staying in a hotel, hasn’t yet arrived.

Next steps

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Contact Us

When you call us to request a forbearance, please be ready with the loan number, monthly pre-tax income of each borrower on the loan, and information about your current hardship.

If we confirm that applying for forbearance may be possible, we'll share important deadlines and assign a Customer Relationship Manager who will help you throughout the process.


If approved, the Customer Relationship Manager will send a letter outlining the terms of the forbearance, which may include temporarily suspending or reducing all of the mortgage payments for no more than 90 calendar days.

In most cases, a copy of the offer letter will need to be signed and returned to us. The Customer Relationship Manager will advise if any other documents need to be returned.

In some circumstances, such as natural disasters, we usually don't require that the letter be signed and returned.


When the forbearance period ends, we’ll work together on how to make up the missed payments. Options may include repaying the missed payments at the end of the forbearance period or setting up a repayment plan that allows the missed payments to be made over a period of time while paying the regular monthly payment.1 For some loans, it may be possible to move the missed payments into a deferred balance fully due upon the maturity date of the loan or earlier upon the sale or transfer of the property, refinance of the loan, or payoff of the interest-bearing unpaid principal balance.2

If you are still experiencing a financial hardship at the end of the forbearance period, other options may be available.

What if I’m not eligible or get declined?

If the hardship is ongoing, call us to discuss the possibility of a loan modification, which would change the terms of the loan to help lower the monthly payment.

Call us


800.669.6650 Monday through Friday
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Eastern

Help is available in English, Spanish and many other languages.

1 Number of months for repayment varies based on individual investor or insurer guidelines.

2 Available for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans.